at that time , by the treaty of portsmouth , the southern half of the island of karafuto was incorporated into japanese territory . ポーツマス条約で島の南半分が日本領となった樺太。
in the ogasawara island chain , since becoming japanese territory during the early meiji period , sugar manufacturing prospered from sugarcane cultivation . 小笠原諸島において、日本領土になった明治時代初期からサトウキビ栽培によって製糖業が盛んとなった。
there are two origins of ifu: people who became ifu along with the territorial expansion of japan , and people who were taken captive and then emigrated to the japanese territory . 日本の領土拡大によって俘囚となったもの、捕虜となって国内に移配されたものの二種の起源がある。
the fushu who had been forced to emigrate to the japanese territory were issued with food as a fushu allowance by kokushi and given remission from payment of yo (tax in kind ) and cho (another type of tax ) until they could earn a living by themselves . 俘囚は、定住先で生計が立てられるようになるまで、俘囚料という名目で国司から食糧を支給され、庸・調の税が免除された。
by the seventh century , the emishi had lived broadly in the tohoku region (from mid-miyagi prefecture through yamagata prefecture and to the north ) and most of hokkaido (local public entity ), a part of which was included in the japanese territory . 7世紀頃には、蝦夷は現在の宮城県中部から山形県以北の東北地方と、北海道 (地方公共団体)の大部分に広く住み、その一部は日本の領域の中にあった。
the annexation of korea refers not only to the momentary fact that the korean empire disappeared and korea became a japanese territory , but also sometimes refers to the continuous fact that korea had been occupied as a result of the annexation . 「韓国併合」というとき、大韓帝国が消滅し、朝鮮が日本の領土となった瞬間的事実だけではなく、併合の結果として朝鮮を領有した継続的事実を含意する場合もある。
the fushu who were sent to the japanese territory were a group of emishi men and women who had yielded to the power of yamato (japan ) during the wars that occurred intermittently between yamato and emishi between the seventh century and ninth century and thus were forced to emigrate to the japanese territory . 移配された俘囚は、7世紀から9世紀まで断続的に続いた大和と蝦夷の戦争で、大和へ帰服した蝦夷男女が集団で強制移住させられたものである。
the fushu who were sent to the japanese territory were a group of emishi men and women who had yielded to the power of yamato (japan ) during the wars that occurred intermittently between yamato and emishi between the seventh century and ninth century and thus were forced to emigrate to the japanese territory . 移配された俘囚は、7世紀から9世紀まで断続的に続いた大和と蝦夷の戦争で、大和へ帰服した蝦夷男女が集団で強制移住させられたものである。
in this case it is thought that the people who lived in the northern tohoku region and hokkaido and in the satsumon period were the pure emishi , but that those in hokkaido turned into ainu while the emishi in the tohoku region and the fushu , who moved into the japanese territory , became japanese . この場合、北海道から北東北にかけての広がりを持った擦文時代を担った人々こそが蝦夷であったとみなし、北海道の蝦夷はアイヌ人に継承され、東北地方の蝦夷と国内に移配された俘囚は日本人に合流したとされる。